The exhibitions were held at an event organized by Altia and the ETSE
Last Friday, the exhibitions of the final degree works of the five finalists of the IV Edition of Altia Premia took place in the Auditorium of the ETSE.

The finalists presented their work before the jury, composed of Josefina Fernández, Ana Castro, Miguel Ares and José Ramón Tubío, from Altia; and María Jesús Taboada and Juan Carlos Pichel, from the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSE) of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
The members of the jury were in agreement about the high level of the presentations made by all the finalists. The jury’s decision will be made public between the 6th and 10th February.

- Andrea Blanco Pérez with her project "Semi-automatic vegetation classification tool using LiDAR".
- Marcos Padín Rodríguez with his project "Data structures for interactive and integrated exploration of geospatial data".
- Manuel Suárez Vidal with his project "Web application for the registration and presentation of essential emergency information".
- Jorge Vázquez Pérez with his project "Classification of images via Quantum Machine Learning".
- Ainhoa Vivel Couso with her project "AgeX: Automatic explanation in natural language of the calculation of dental age".
About Altia Premia
This initiative, carried out jointly by Altia and the ETSE, was created with the aim of encouraging the training and digital talent of the students on the Degree Course in Computer Engineering, and of rewarding their talent, passion and effort; presenting the winner with a prize of €1,500.
Visit the Altia Premia website to learn more.