Altia and the Higher Technical School of Engineering have held the IV Edition of Altia Premia.
Altia Premia is a joint initiative that seeks to encourage and promote the technological talent of the students on the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela. This year’s winning end-of-degree project addresses the use of machine learning techniques with neural networks in the estimation of dental age.
This award aims to be a stimulus for university students, through the recognition of the practical application of their end-of-degree projects. In the fourth edition of Altia Premia, the jury awarded the prize – worth €1500 – to Ainhoa Vivel Couso for her thesis entitled AgeX: Automatic explanation in natural language of the calculation of dental age.

“This award is proof that hard work and effort always get rewarded. My objective with this research is to help professionals to better understand the decisions made by artificial intelligence, helping to eliminate distrust in systems and aversion to their use, especially in areas of high risk for people such as medicine. For this reason, I am deeply grateful for this distinction from the jury and Altia”, the winner said.
Josefina Fernández, Director of Operations at Altia and member of the jury, highlighted the importance of recognizing young talent: “Today’s students are the professionals of tomorrow. The enthusiasm and motivation they show is exceptional and we have a duty to encourage innovative ideas. They provide the passion, we provide the means.”
Por su parte, Juan C. Pichel, coordinador del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la USC, y también miembro del jurado, se ha sumado a las palabras de Josefina señalando la preparación que tienen los jóvenes hoy en día: “Las universidades son centros de conocimiento que forman a los futuros expertos y, como profesor, puedo confirmar el gran nivel que hay en las aulas. Para mí es un orgullo ser parte de este jurado y poder refrendar el trabajo de estos estudiantes, que son quienes definirán la sociedad el día de mañana”.
Juan C. Pichel, Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering at the USC, and also a member of the jury, added to Josefina’s words pointing to the preparation that young people have today: “Universities are centres of knowledge that train future experts and, as a teacher, I can confirm the high level in the classroom. I am proud to be part of this jury and to be able to endorse the work of these students; they are the ones who will shape tomorrow’s society.”
This initiative is part of Altia’s support and commitment to developing talent in the technological industry, as well as being an active part of the modernization and digitization of Galicia’s productive ecosystem. Here is all the information about Altia Premia.