Altia has been chosen by Aena for the installation and start-up of its electronic tendering system.
The system will respond to different electronic tendering processes in Aena from the beginning of the procedure with the publication of specifications to awarding and signing the contract. Among the features highlighted submitting bids electronically, the integration of information from the tenderer with the manager and documentary records of Aena or the assessment and evaluation of bids, among others. In addition, it will include the various procurement procedures such as Open, Minor Contract, Electronic Auctions, Simplified or Negotiated.

Altia will implement in the cloud Mercury, its solution for Electronic Bidding and Notification, which will allow Aena to address compliance with Law 9/2017 LCSP, by which public agencies are required to conduct procurement processes in an integrated manner by electronic means.
Electronic contracting, which has been obligatory since March last year, establishes that, for a contracting process to be valid, it must be carried out exclusively by electronic means, and more specifically it is centred on the sending of requests to participate, as well as electronic offers and any notification, documentation and information exchanged between the contracting body and the economic operator.
The implementation of the electronic tendering system will have a number of advantages for Aena. Principally, to simplify and reduce the costs and deadlines on the administrative burdens and that the intervening agents, supplier and client, can carry out all the processes related to the contracting by electronic means, with sufficient technical security and legal guarantees.