Altia has been selected to participate in CRE100DO, the country-program of business transformation launched by the Bankinter Innovation Foundation, the ICEX and the Círculo de Empresarios.
CRE100DO emerged with the aim of transforming the Spanish business network, accompanying for 5 years 100 Spanish companies of the middle market segment on their route to becoming great. To this end, it has created a framework of reference for the growth of companies that benefit the country, disseminating concepts and high impact business practices.
Altia, who adheres to this initiative as a participating company, is committed to contributing and to achieving these objectives, promoting the growth of the medium and large Spanish companies as the driving force of the national economy and promoting the creation of qualified employment
Tino Fernandez, President of Altia has valued his incorporation to the initiative: "We are proud to be part of CRE100DO and to collaborate in its business transformation program. We are convinced that the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between companies is fundamental for boosting the competitiveness of our business network and we are delighted to participate actively.”