Foundry Computerworld has chosen us as one of the best places to work in IT in 2025, ranking us 29th among medium-sized companies.
Best Places to Work in IT is a worldwide ranking for organisations that care about having a motivated and nurtured IT team, through great benefits and compensation, while helping them develop their careers. Companies are selected based on workplace excellence and quality.
Last year we were already part of this ranking, listed 27th among medium-sized companies and being the only Spanish company to achieve this recognition.
“This recognition reaffirms our commitment to continue improving and attracting the best profiles in the IT world. More than 4,000 people are already part of the group and we are aware of the importance of taking care of talent, as well as continuing to be competitive in order to have the best professionals join our project”, said Angela Souto, Talent Acquisition Manager at Altia.

“This year’s focus on AI has created a demand for new skills in AI, data analytics and the cloud. The good news: leading companies recognise that these opportunities for business innovation also create new opportunities for internal IT talent”, says Barbara Call, global director of content strategy at Foundry. “Our winning companies are committed to keeping their tech workforce happy and engaged – which means going beyond raises, perks, and promotions to offer opportunities for upskilling and training on cutting-edge and emerging technologies.”
Computerworld Best Places to Work in IT is an annual ranking of the best work environments for technology professionals based on a comprehensive questionnaire of company benefits in categories such as career development, DEI, training, talent retention and benefits. All of these are reviewed and examined by a panel of industry experts.
At Altia, we continue to improve and strive, day by day, to create a better environment for all the people who are part of the group.