Altia will collaborate with the area of sectoral technological solutions of AMTEGA in the development of its new integrated electronic Housing and land platform.
Altia will collaborate with the area of sectoral technological solutions of the agency for technological modernization of Galicia (Amtega) in the development of its new integrated electronic platform for Housing and land, a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme FEDER Galicia 2014-2020.

The Instituto Galego de Vivienda e Solo (IGVS) is the organ of the Galician administration to which correspond the competences and functions in matters of housing policy, architectural heritage, creation of residential land, planning of terrarium and town planning, industrial land, the Autonomous Community of Galicia.
With the new electronic Housing and soil platform, the Xunta of Galicia the ultimate goal to achieve is the improvement of the service that the IGVS provides to citizens in the field of Housing and land, objective that necessarily also goes through the improvement of the functionalities that the information systems of the IGVS offer to their managers and by the integration of the platform with the transversal services of electronic administration.
Actions to be undertaken
- Technological renewal of IGVS information systems.
- Creation of a new centralized repository of information georreferenciada with the inventory of assets of the IGVS.
- Development of the new platform focusing on simplification and optimization of administrative procedures.
- Improving inter-process interoperability.
- Integration of the platform with transversal services of Electronic Administration of the Xunta of Galicia.
- Integration of the platform with other external services.
- Integration with the corporate GIS platform of the Xunta.
This project starts before the summer of 2019, and has a planned implementation period of 2 years.