The digital economy and the transformation of business models has led to the emergence of a number of functions and jobs that were previously non-existent or undemanded
The digital economy and the transformation of business models has led to the emergence of a number of functions and jobs that were previously non-existent or under-demanded. Today, security specialists, data analysts, experts in artificial intelligence or network administrators, among others, are highly valued professionals in business, but whose shortage in the labor market is a reality.
The ultimate boost in digital talent
At the end of 2016, the European Commission was already aware of the need to promote this kind of talent and give a response to the demand for these capabilities. As a result of this interest, the decision to launch the so-called Coalition for digital jobs and capacities, organized jointly with Member States, companies, professionals in the educational environment and social partners and NGOs. Its main objective is to cover the shortage of professionals and generate "a large reserve of digital talent" that can be nurtured by European companies. According to the European institution on the continent it needs people with digital capabilities to fill vacant posts in all sectors, which could result in the loss of up to 750,000 skilled jobs in information and communications technology (ICT) by 2020.

Un estudio reciente, realizado por ManpowerGroup, empresa especializada en estrategia de talento, también advierte de esta escasez de especialistas TI y apunta a las áreas de ciberseguridad, administración de redes y asistencia técnica como las más necesitadas de profesionales en los próximos años. En concreto, el estudio señala que, casi la mitad de los nuevos puestos de trabajo que se crearán (1,1 millones) de los 2,6 millones estimados por esta investigación, serán profesionales y técnicos de apoyo. Y que, en especial, aumentará el empleo entre profesionales del derecho, ciencias, salud y las TIC.
A recent study conducted by ManpowerGroup, a company specializing in talent strategy, also warns of the shortage of IT specialists and points to the areas of cybersecurity, network management and technical assistance as the most needed professionals in the coming years. In particular, the study points out that almost half of the new jobs that will be created (1.1 million) of the 2.6 million estimated by this investigation will be professional and technical support. In particular, employment among legal, science, health and ICT professionals will increase.
Answers? Innovation and research
In this context, from Altia we're committed to innovation and research and are at the forefront of attracting talent to work on interesting projects that have already managed to connect via satellite vehicles, improve the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis or in projects that lead to the transformation of cities, as in the case of Coruña Smart City and Smart Coruña Port.
Programs tailored to the talent you need
The incorporation in our team of young people prepared for the new digital challenges and the training and retraining of our in-house professionals demonstrate our commitment to the development of digital skills among our employees. The commitment to the union of talents allows us to be convinced that we will change the way we see things, for this reason, one of our #AltiaDigitalHub programs, designed to capture and empower people's talent, face new business challenges and offer a development professional and personal to our collaborators, aims to change the way of understanding technology and give new opportunities to young people with potential.
Profiles related to IoT, architects, data integration, cybersecurity experts and data analysts, and Big Data are today's job opportunities and the professional growth that we offer in our company. A demand that is aligned with the current needs of the market and of our clients, because attracting and retaining talent is part of our DNA.