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Editorial - Nacho Cabanas

"We face 2022 full of enthusiasm and energy, ready to meet the objectives that we have set as an organization"

Financial focus – 2021: consolidation; 2022: growth

I’d like to use this corporate space to complete the details about our Group’s financial focus, a conversation we had the chance to start a few days ago. 

We are now mid-way through the second quarter of 2022 and we can make a quantitative analysis of the results for FY 2021 and see what the major challenges are that we have in front of us during 2022.

Nacho Cabanas. Altia Group Economic-Financial Director

2021 was a year of integration and consolidation of results. The incorporation of Noesis into the Altia Group has provided an important advancement in terms of quality and quantity. The incorporation of Noesis has brought the direct consequences that we have an improved presence in more international markets with high development potential; new clients with a clear vocation for innovation, many of whom are global; state of the art technologies and, of course, a lot of highly qualified and skilled new talent. Of course, the financial return has also been extremely positive.

We finished the FY 2021 with more than € 125 million in turnover. Despite this being lower than the forecast in our Business Plan, it reinforces our business model, which is highly focused on technological services with high added value and implements a very customer-oriented and also, as a listed company, results-oriented organizational strategy. The profit was € 8.7 million and our balance sheet continued to increase in strength and solvency.

Although not all objectives were met, the results for 2021 can be considered as satisfactory. These results were obtained thanks to our many clients who trust us and, of course, thanks to our people who, through their work, effort, knowledge and interest, made these results possible despite the backdrop of enormous uncertainty resulting from the pandemic, the successive lockdowns, the supply crisis and geopolitical tensions.

We face 2022 full of enthusiasm and energy, ready to meet the objectives that we have set as an organization, despite the levels of uncertainty in these first few months being even higher than last year. We are into the second year of our Business Plan which, like in previous versions of this document that sets out our short-term strategy, is characterised as a year of growth. We aspire to be more: more clients and more people, to grow turnover, to have better and greater results, and to consolidate a healthy financial model with continuous cash generation and maximum solvency on the balance sheet. We want our clients to continue to trust us, and that there are others who decide to do so; we want to strengthen positions in the markets in which we operate and, of course, we want to be more people, since they are the main component of our value proposition.

I would like to thank you all very much for everything you have done in 2021 so that we could respond to the challenges posed by our clients and to continue our journey as an organisation with a strong international presence. With the solid foundations on which we have started the year, we aspire for 2022 to be a year of growth, both qualitatively and, of course, quantitatively.

I wish you all good health!

Nacho CabanasAltia Group Economic-Financial Director

Luis Castro · CFO de Noesis

For Noesis, 2021 was a year of transition in which we consolidated our performance and our results whilst supporting the Altia Group in its growth and development.

During this year we saw an increase in business volume of almost 12.1% compared to 2020, and profitability reached 6.1% on turnover. This result was a consequence of a significant increase in our international business, which accounted for 34% of our total turnover. These figures are, in essence, the fruits of the hard work and dedication of each one of our team members. Even against a backdrop of the pandemic, with all the restrictions imposed, they always gave their all and smoothly navigated a most challenging path.

For the 2022 financial year, all our efforts have the objective of increasing the importance of Noesis within the Altia Group, which is built on three strategic foundations: the recruitment and retention of talent, the strengthening of the group’s international business, and the alignment of the profitability generated by the Noesis Group with the standards of Altia.

The work we have done during 2021, the opportunities generated and the business that has come to fruition with our longstanding and new clients have increased our confidence in a prosperous and promising future.”

Luís CastroNoesis CFO


Noesis Best Workplaces

Noesis is one of the best organizations to work for in Portugal

Noesis, an Altia Company

Great Place to Work revealed Best Workplaces and Noesis is the second-best place to work in Portugal, in the 501 to 1000 employee category.

This was the first year that Noesis participated in the initiative organized by Great Place to Work®. Teresa Lopes Gândara, Human Capital Director at Noesis, received the award. “The distinction in the Best WorkplacesTM initiative is a huge responsibility, and a commitment to continue to be one of the best companies to work for".

The Best Workplaces Ranking, released annually, distinguishes the organizations with the highest grades in the Organizational Culture & Climate Study carried out by Great Place to Work.

Before this recognition, Noesis has been certified as a Great Place to Work® (GPTW), recognizing the high trust culture and good working environment. The participation in the Organizational Culture & Climate Study, carried out by Great Place to Work Portugal, proved to be a success, with a Confidence Index of 82%.

This study was based on employee survey feedback about the experience at Noesis, which measures the quality of work, and on the audit that evaluates the quality of human resources practices carried out by Great Place to Work.

Noesis Best Workplaces

Plan to improve talent management policies in progress

“We live in challenging times, so we were particularly happy about the response rate and the Confidence Index. This certification and recognition happen within the scope of the people management plan that aims to make our organizational culture stronger. It is also the confirmation that we must continue to place people at the center of the organization”, Teresa Lopes Gândara said.

Currently, Noesis has more than 900 talents spread across its various locations in Portugal (Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto, Proença-a-Nova, Guarda, and Covilhã), Brazil, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United States – committed to the goals of the organization and focused on providing an adequate and excellent response to the challenges of its national and international clients.

Teresa Lopes Gândara also adds that “the participation of our talents in the study was essential to achieve these results".


Proyecto de contenidos digitales en Canarias

We have been awarded a contract for the creation of digital content by the Canary Islands Government


The Government of the Canary Islands has awarded us a contract (in a temporary joint venture with NETEX) worth more than 700,000 euros for the creation of educational materials for teachers and students of primary and secondary education levels in this region.

This agreement is part of the process of technological transformation and digitalisation undertaken by the Canary Islands Government. It is valid until 2023 and is 85% co-financed with ERDF funds, within the UCTICEE Project (Use and Quality of ICT in Education) of the Regional Department of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Canary Islands Government. In addition, it includes the development of new educational applications and tools, as well as the implementation of improvements to existing ones.

The temporary joint venture (UTE, as per its initials in Spanish) between Altia and NETEX aims to provide services related to the production of educational materials, including the implementation of learning and work tools that integrate all the agents in the school community, the development of an educational resource management platform, the creation of a personal learning kit and ensuring the authorship of digital productions made by students and teachers.

This project seeks to digitalise the educational environment of the Canary Islands through the creation of digital content in a Virtual Learning Environment (EVA, as per its initials in Spanish) for teachers and students of primary and secondary education levels.  This will provide the educational community with digital tools and resources that promote innovation in schools and help simplify the teachers’ work.

Proyecto en UTE con NETEX

On the one hand, the availability of educational digital content will facilitate the transition from non-digital to digital environments and, on the other hand, the transition from a linear education defined by the textbook and based mainly on the memorisation of content for its later reproduction, to new more innovative teaching models in line with the new times, where the use of technology and the creation of new digital content play an important role.

"We are always proud to participate in a project that is going to have an impact on one of the basic aspects of any society, such as education," says Tino Fernandez, Altia CEO. “We have wide experience in projects like the one that the Canary Islands Government has just entrusted to us, and we are going to help those students, who are now acquiring their knowledge at primary and secondary education levels, to be better prepared for the future. Our materials will be truly helpful to both students and teachers, who must also have the best possible tools to carry out their essential work with the help of technology and digitalisation.”

Noesis Gestao da Qualidade da Globo

We are a key partner in all the Quality Management area at Globo

Noesis, an Altia Company

Quality management has become mandatory in all departments of the Brazilian television production company, which has Noesis as its main ally for this work.

In 2014 an IT unification began and the creation of a large area of applications, to centralize everything in a single unit for the entire company. At that time, Noesis “entered as one of the strategic partners in the area and, later, in 2017/18 the partnership with Noesis was consolidated, because of its in-depth know-how in the area.

Luciana Povoa, Head of Content Production Solutions in the Corporate Journey Directorate, which is part of Globo’s Digital Hub, says that “Noesis was fundamental in creating a strong culture and became a leader in the area of Quality”. But more than working on quality, it was also necessary to work on changing mindsets: “Currently we work with a multidisciplinary team, all with the same direction and with the same objective and giving fluidity to the processes. We have a new, more agile work model, supported by DevOps and which, in terms of added value, goes far beyond quality.”

GMusic sets the example

Nickson Chagas, responsible for the technical leadership in the quality area at Noesis Brazil, explains that one of the first projects developed was GMusic. “Two and a half years ago, Globo was changing and adopting an agile culture, so they felt the need to work not only on quality in general but also to have someone responsible for that role in the team, and Noesis was chosen.” The challenge at the time was to understand the context in which a mature quality process did not exist “and to identify the needs, draw up a strategic plan to develop the entire quality culture process, with the validation of unit tests, manual tests, automated tests, integration tests, etc”. GMusic was one of the first projects that responded to a strong need within Globo in terms of music management. “The production of a soap opera or a video is not designed without music and this platform allows you to manage Globo’s whole musical collection”. Nickson Chagas explains that Globo started “to produce its quality music, making it available to internal editors and sound engineers, through a library full of searchable songs”. 

More digital soap operas and actors

Also, the famous soap operas by Estúdios Globo (formerly Projac) benefited from this quality work. Hence the example of GMusic “evolved into other products within Globo in the areas of journalism and sports”.

Luciana Povoa explains that there is another major project that will allow “the modernization of a solution that is the Production Management System (SGP). In Globo’s new megastudio, MG4 (Recording Module 4), the new solution also made it possible to move from managing the processes of recording scripts on paper “to something completely digital, through TVs throughout the studios, fully focused on quality and efficiency gains for everyone”. Also here, “Noesis played a decisive role in leading and automating the testing of this product,” says Luciana Povoa.

An even more agile role

Regarding Noesis’ role in all these processes, Luciana Povoa explains that, in the case of projects developed by the IT Solutions for Entertainment team at Globo, “the Quality part is 100% Noesis, and the company brought important knowledge” that was disseminated in other areas. “Instilling the concept of Quality for any project or realizing what kind of tests to do has always been the responsibility of Noesis”. In the case of the PAS@Nuvem project (Planning, Allocation and Simulation of Resources in the Cloud), which is a structuring and transformational project, “every part of integrated and functional testing is also the responsibility of Noesis”.

Luciana Povoa stresses that “in the day-to-day work, we do not have company names on the table, since we are all one team working for the same thing.” This is also an idea shared by José Miguel Ferreira, responsible for Noesis in Brazil, who states: “our work was helped a lot by having great support from all of the Globo directors who were very active and participative at all times.” 

Proyecto Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

The AEPD has acknowledged the work on data protection carried out by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia


To mark European Data Protection Day, the Spanish Data Protection Agency has recently recognized the project carried out by the Regional Council of Bizkaia (Diputación Foral de Bizkaia or BFA-DFB) to guarantee the privacy of personal data and the digital rights of the region’s residents, in which Altia participates as one of the contracted companies.

The Prize for Proactivity and Good Practices in Compliance with the GDPR and the LOPDGDD (Spanish Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights), awarded to the Regional Council of Bizkaia, consists of an honorary mention by means of a diploma and a trophy, and of the dissemination of projects and good practices developed by the regional administration itself.

In the framework of the plan launched by the Regional Council of Bizkaia, Altia has collaborated with the administration in the parts relating to legal advice, consultancy services and training. Specifically, Altia has provided legal, organizational, technical and consulting assistance in the adaptation of the BFA-DFB and its regional entities to data protection legislation and procedures; we have been part of the consultancy service in the adaptation of the BFA-DFB and its regional entities to the GDPR and LOPDGDD; and we have given training sessions on data protection and the implementation of the processes mentioned in the previous section.

The award recognizes the work carried out by the Regional Council, in which Altia has been collaborating since 2019, in guaranteeing the privacy of personal data and digital rights through the data protection regulations compliance plan for the region’s public sector.

Noesis no setor da Logística na Holanda

We organized an event dedicated to the Logistics sector in the Netherlands

Noesis, an Altia Company

The event, organized by Noesis, took place in Rotterdam, where the main challenges faced by the Logistics sector, transportation, and distribution, were discussed and how technology can be an innovation driver for companies in the sector.

In recent times, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruptions on a global scale. Several contingency measures have been implemented to address this adversity and have created congestion and logistics problems, directly affecting the supply chain. Factors such as the lack of operational workers, ruptured ports, and growing political tensions aggravated this situation and created complex challenges for the industry. 

Nelson Pereira, CTO of Noesis, was one of the speakers at the event, where he presented the main technological trends in the Logistics and Transportation sector and how organizations can take advantage of their full potential. The CTO shared with the audience emerging processes and technologies that he considers essential to enhance the success of organizations.

Technology as an innovation driver

From Artificial Intelligence to the rapid development of Low-Code solutions, including Automation and Software Quality Management, several topics were addressed, with the demonstration of practical examples of how these technologies are contributing to mitigating the obstacles that the sector faces. One of the solutions presented was a real case of using Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to automate the inventory process, detect supply failures and evaluate stock levels in real-time.

Wim Gerhort, Director of Software Development at Vopak, was another guest speaker and presented the Digital Transformation journey the company has been going through, in partnership with Noesis and using OutSystems technology. Bas Koopmanschap, the Managing Partner at Nextpage, led a session where he demonstrated how Lean Management and KPI orientation improve organizations' performance and overall performance. There was also time for a roundtable, moderated by Frank Lenders (Noesis), with the presence of Wim Gerholt (Vopak), Jelle de Rooij (Nederland Distributieland), Arjan Waardenburg (OutSystems), Bas Koopmanschap (Nextpage) and Nelson Pereira (Noesis).

Programa Hunters

Hunters, the new programme to find young IT talent


We have launched Hunters, an ambitious programme intended to find young IT talent to join our company.

The programme is aimed at recent graduates or students who are about to finish their degree and want to start out as professionals in the IT sector by being part of a multidisciplinary team with the capacity to generate and share knowledge. In a first phase, this programme was created for the Alicante office, although in the short and medium term, our plan is to expand this initiative across the rest of our offices.

The programme was created with the purpose of building a team ready to hunt trends and bring in innovation and new approaches to doing things that provide differential results. The hunters will be provided with a mentoring, motivation and training programme that will enable them to foresee future challenges and provide solutions in Altia’s projects through research, the creation of new tools and by subsequently sharing their technological knowledge with the rest of the company. The Hunter team will become a real benchmark within the company.

Programa Hunters

“We want a team made up of proactive people who choose their own area of expertise, with the ability to provide the most efficient and powerful vision for each possible solution and who form a cutting-edge technological team,” says José Luis Anton, software architect at the Alicante office and head of the initiative. “We want them to be in touch with the latest technologies and be able to explain to the rest of the company what these do, how these work, and on which projects they can be used, as well as to point us to new approaches and new ways of doing things. Being a hunter means taking on the challenge of trying new solutions that bring differential results. In short, we want talent and technology to go hand in hand in this programme. To do this, we are building a team of people with a passion for technology and who are looking for a life career in the IT sector.”

Valencian Community and Murcia

Candidates are being recruited in the universities of the Valencian Community and Murcia to join the Alicante office, which has already taken on the first members of the team. “To be a hunter you need a certain technological background and, above all, concepts rather than technology, as well as a lot of motivation and guidance,” says José Luis Anton. “The goal of the Hunters programme is to provide them with opportunities for personal growth and to strengthen the different architecture areas of the company,” says Anton.

In a first phase, the Hunters programme has been launched in the Alicante office with the plan to extend it to the rest of Altia’s offices in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, the United States, Ireland and the Netherlands in the short and medium term.