Altia and ETSE (Higher Technical School of Engineering) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) have celebrated the III edition of the Altia Premia TFG GrEi ETSE, an initiative that seeks to encourage and enhance the technological talent of university students and that this year has awarded a prize to an end-of-degree work based on the Internet of Things.
Altia Premia TFG GrEi ETSE is a joint initiative between the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Galicia-based company. It was created with the aim of rewarding the talent, passion and effort of the students on the Degree in Computer Engineering (GrEI).
Altia Premia TFG aims to be a stimulus for students to analyse the applications that their end-of-degree work can have in the business world. In this third edition, the jury awarded the prize - with a financial endowment of 1,500 euros - to Celia Fernández Pérez for her project entitled “Programming an autonomous IoT node with wireless communication”. The award was presented at the institutional event of ETSE Day 2022.
“This recognition, for me, recognises and reinforces all the hours of work I have dedicated to the project and has motivated me a lot. I want to thank Altia and especially the jury for having valued the work I presented so positively and for giving me this opportunity to show that so much work was finally worth the effort,” said Celia Fernández.
Josefina Fernández Álvarez, Director of Operations at Altia and member of the Altia Premia jury, stated: “With Altia Premia TFG, we want to continue to strongly support the talent of young people, of students who, with effort and passion, are training to make the leap into the world of work and who want to participate actively in the changes that will shape the society of the future to be more egalitarian, more inclusive, more diverse and more sustainable.”
This initiative is part of Altia's support and commitment to developing talent in the technological sector, as well as being an active part of the modernization and digitization of Galicia's productive ecosystem.