Human Resources teams face the important challenge of attracting and retaining talent to companies that are immersed in an increasingly changing and globalized environment due to the influence of new technologies.
Today, companies are moving within a complicated, highly changing and globalized environment. This is mainly due to the impact of new technologies, which forces companies to adapt to this environment if they want to survive and be competitive. Within this scenario, HR teams face their own challenges to attract and retain talent.
The War for Talent
Thus, we are living a war for talent that makes the employee experience a differential element when it comes to having the best. Our employees, especially the younger ones, are no longer looking for a good salary and a safe place to work. Elements such as the values and purposes of the company, a good working environment, involving employees in the design and development of plans, greater flexibility and agility or innovative projects gain more strength every day. Having tools that allow us to measure and improve the experience will help us achieve and build loyalty for the profiles we want..
The Key points for HR in a technological transformation environment
To deal with this situation successfully, HR managers. not only need to know the progress of the business, but also to think about designing plans tailored to the needs of each professional and company. To do this, it is essential to apply innovation in new ways of working, with vision for the future and creativity. Technology and digital environments are great allies in a change that crosses very different generations. That is why the role of HR, experts in change management, transversality and people, is currently key as a driver of the digital transformation of organizations. To lead this transformation and to be innovative, Human Resources teams must reinvent themselves and take advantage of the digital revolution as a competitive advantage.

Advantages of using technology in talent acquisition processes
Therefore, the commitment to technology is key and its advantages are enormous. First, processes are streamlined and operational load is reduced. Digitizing processes means having RH Analytics systems that reduce risk, solve complex and changing business aspects, plan and make appropriate decisions based on data rather than perceptions. Secondly, it allows to attract talent and make employees “fall in love”. This requires flexible leadership styles, horizontal and remote organizations but with close working methods. A collaborative culture is imposed in which participation, communication and active listening are valued in the organization. employer branding strategies are required here with the active involvement of employees in their role as ambassadors of the company and in which internet and social networks will be the fundamental tools.
Knowing the opinions that our employees have and what they value most, such as continuous and updated learning to grow professionally, being an attractive plan adapted to their professional objectives, will make internal training better perceived. An issue, that of internal training, which requires more depth and which we will discuss in our next posts.