We have been awarded the Award for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Xunta de Galicia in the category of Large Company. An award that recognizes the work we have done throughout 2019 in this area.
"We are very proud to have received this award from the Xunta de Galicia because it means that we maintain the spirit of being a company based on being, believing and transforming beyond business. From the beginning, we have outlined an intense social policy in Altia that we will continue to strengthen in the future involving all people who are part of the company”, Tino Fernández, President of Altia
Throughout the past, we stand out in CSR for the creation of quality jobs, with the incorporation of almost250 jobs in Spain; to which we add more than 900 professionals from Noesis, a Portuguese company acquired at the end of 2019. In this line, we are committed strongly with the development of our Equality Plan aimed at achieving equality between women and men and to increase the significant presence of women in the governing bodies of society. In this area, we have also stood out for our commitment to guarantee a work environment that is free from any discriminatory behavior and fight against harassment through our protocol for the Prevention of Workplace, Gender and Sexual Harassment.
In terms of gender violence, the company has a clear and permanent commitment to its eradication, and we are currently working on the elaboration of its own prevention protocol in this area, which will be a step further after our accession to the Protocol for the detection and treatment in the company of situations of gender-based violence occurring inside and outside the workplace promoted by the Observatory against Domestic and Gender Violence, an entity that is part of the General Council of the Judiciary.
Digital Talent and Knowledge Transfer
Promoting digital talent, awakening interest in STEM careers, in particular, among women, and bringing technological knowledge to students are other projects that we have promoted in the last year in the field of CSR. Thus, from our#AltiaDigitalHUB programme, aimed at improving the quality of employment of senior students in vocational training and universities, 11 framework agreements have been signed with universities and 17 agreements with vocational training institutions.
We have also participated in theDigital Talent Promotion Plan of Galicia DigitalTalent 2020, organized by the Xunta with theTechnologist Days for one dayaimed at Galician students to experience what a working day is like; and the program #GenTech, which seeks to promote the vocational attractiveness ofSTEM careersamong high school students.
The company organizes in this line the #AltiaTechDay workshops with which it seeks to complete the training of students in new technologies and that, throughout 2019, have reached several collaborating educational centers that are spread throughout the Spanish geography , among which are the University of A Coruña, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Vigo, University of Santiago de Compostela, among others.
Investment in new technologies aimed at environmental improvement and sustainability, recycling measures, energy saving and pollution minimisation or participation as a sponsor company for the organization of the IV Carrera Solidaria by Multiple Sclerosis organized by the Compostelana Association of Multiple Sclerosis (ACEM) complete, among others, the company's corporate social responsibility activities.