Once the operation had been approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on January 16, 2020, the acts and procedures for the acquisition of 100% of Noesis shares was completed.

Last December, Altia and Noesis signed an acquisition agreement. The operation was carried out with the aim of expanding our territorial scope, as well as the portfolio of solutions and services we offer.
As Tino Fernandez, president of Altia, pointed out, “The purchase of Noesis is part of our global growth strategy for the year 2020 and represents a territorial expansion for Altia reaching new countries where we did not operate until now. Increasing our offer of products and services towards the Low Code application development segment. We grow in turnover, talent and capabilities which puts us in a position of greater recognition and greater international projection" . .
With the addition of Noesis, Altia now has a team of more than 2,000 professionals in more than 20 locations in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Chile, USA, Ireland and the Netherlands.