Last Friday, April 26, Altia, along with other sponsors (Everis, Telecon, Vector ITC and La Voz de Galicia) was presented with the award for best TFG applied to the Faculty of Computer Science of A Coruña.
This initiative, which seeks to recognize the best end-of-degree projects applied to the 2017/18 academic year, consists of a prize of € 1,500 and two second prizes of € 500.
The first prize went to Elena Botana de Castro, thanks to her project "Intrusion Prevention System in Wireless Networks based on Wi-Fi technology". The two second prizes were awarded to Manuel Daniel Gabin Brenlla for his “fashion recommendation distributed platform”, and to Sergio Rodríguez Rama for his “Platform and iOS application for localized advertising in outdoor and indoor spaces”.

From left to right: Chema de la Rica (Vector), Sergio Rodriguez (awarded second prize), Elena Botana (first prize), Manuel Daniel Gabin (awarded second prize), Ramon Costa (Altia), Jesus Lage (Everis).
This is already the IV edition of this initiative, whose objective is to highlight the talent and dedication of the students through the enhancement of the best final degree projects defended in the 2017/2018 academic year by the students with Honour Enrolment qualification of the Faculty of Computer Science of A Coruña.
If you want to know more about the FIC TFG awards, click here