Satisfaction’s fulfilment and commitment to our suppliers
Quality and continuous improvement is our essential element. It is the brilliant commitment that will impact directly with the satisfaction of our clients. A continuous effort is essential to acquire the most efficient organization and the most productive, with the ability to solve situations and to be able to take advantage of the gathered experience.
In the relationship with our suppliers, we hold to a series of commitments to meet the Quality, Environment and Safety standards of our company. These commitments have been established to select, monitor and assess these standards.
If any incident were to occur at any time, it would be reported and taken into account in the supplier approval process.
- Management System Policy
Altia is a company specialised in the design, development, implementation, integration and maintenance of computer systems, consultancy in information systems and communications, provision of personnel for computer works, management of computer licenses and management of IT Services.
Altia believes quality, environmental management, information security, IT service management, business continuity and continuous improvement set us apart and bring value. Continuous improvement in all its processes will be a differentiating feature for the development of solutions and services, which have a direct impact on improving the quality of service to our clients. Efforts are made to become a more efficient, resilient and productive organisation with the capacity to resolve situations and learn based on its own experience.
Altia’s general process improvement policies are:
- Standardising the processes used for the development of products and services provided by Altia
- Optimising the skills and knowledge of project team members
- Improving internal efficiency and productivity
- Improving the quality of products and services delivered to clients
- Providing the organisation with a set of methodologies, tools and best practices for software development and service execution, with the aim of committing fully to delivering value and quality to our clients, adopting CMMi-DEV 1.3 as a reference model to complement ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/EC 27018, ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO 14001, as well as GHC Protocol and compliance with Spanish Royal Decree 311/2022 regulating the National Security Scheme (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad).
- Given all of the above, Altia assumes the following principles of action:
- Establish objectives and targets for continuous improvement, which will be applied in the most relevant processes with the aim of capitalising on our experiences and best practices, and make sure these have a positive impact on the execution of projects and the provision of services.
- Instruct, involve and motivate all the company’s personnel in continuous improvement to achieve their proactive collaboration, which favours and promotes productivity and quality delivery.
- Comply with all legislation and regulations affecting the company in terms of quality, environmental management, information security, business continuity and IT services, as well as any requirements the company must meet, including budget, accounting, information security, configuration and delivery policies.
- Commitment to protect the environment through actions and measures aimed at preventing any type of alteration that could be caused by our activities, especially in relation to waste production and energy consumption, with efficient energy use. Thus, we are committed to minimising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by our activities and workplaces.
- We strive to establish the best working environment, focusing on continuous improvement as a basis for the better provision of services.
- Establish communication channels with our clients so that they can send us any queries or suggestions that can be implemented in our system and thus be able to exceed expectations regarding our services.
- Have real visibility of the situation, the state of global security and the risks and potential impact on business.
- Define corporate security and environmental guidelines based on regulatory developments.
- Implement and publish a corporate safety and environmental culture.
- Plan and monitor services, improving effectiveness and efficiency.
Altia’s management will promote active commitment to improving the quality and environmental management of our services, is committed to providing the company with the necessary resources to meet the established objectives.
Altia has obtained the certificate of compliance with the National Security Framework from their information system to provide:
- Hosting services: colocation, housing, dedicated hosting, virtual hosting.
- Managed services procedure, administration and maintenance of IT systems (HW infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications).
- Data communication and service user support according to the establishment document of the standing category.
- Information systems: include the application named “Altia Mercurio, la contratación electrónica ®”, service for the integrated management of the contracting process by electronic means, including the publication of specifications, receipt of offers, management of the opening of offers, management of the award and signing of the contract, in relation to the categorization document on 01/31/2023.
The National Security Framework (ENS), designates the security policy that must be applied in the use of electronic tools. It is established by the required values and requirements for an appropriate protection of the information and it will be implemented to ensure the access, integrity, availability, legitimacy, confidentiality, tracking and data conservation, information and services will be applied in technologic resources.
Altia has obtained the certificate of compliance with the National Security Framework from their information system to support the provision of services: design, development, implementation, integration and maintenance of computer systems.
The National Security Framework (ENS), designates the security policy that must be applied in the use of electronic tools. It is established by the required values and requirements for an appropriate protection of the information and it will be implemented to ensure the access, integrity, availability, legitimacy, confidentiality, tracking and data conservation, information and services will be applied in technologic resources.
Altia is SAP® Certified in SAP HANA® Operations.
As a SAP HANA® Operations partner, Altia offers solutions based on the SAP HANA® platform with high-quality service level agreements. The SAP HANA® Operations certification represents another step ahead in Altia's qualifications roadmap, reinforcing its commitment to offer the best service in SAP® environments.
Altia was certified in the regulation UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 by Applus+.
The applied field certification ISO 9001 is:
- Design, development, implementation, integration and maintenance of computer systems.
- Support services and administration of computer systems.
- Consulting and training in information and communications systems.
- Technical support services.
- Management of computer licenses.
- Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communications and user support for these services (whether in cloud mode, on-premise or in third-party infrastructures).
Altia was certified on the regulation UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 by Applus+. The applied field certification ISO 14001 is:
- Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communications and user support for these services, whether in cloud mode (onpremise or in third-party infrastructures).
Altia was certified in the regulation UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 by Applus+.
The activities of the application system of IT service management in the UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 are:
Service Management System for Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communications and user support for these services, whether in cloud mode, on-premise or in thirdparty infrastructures, according to the service catalogue of 03/04/2024.
Altia is certified to UNE-EN ISO 22301:2020 by Applus+.
The business continuity management system for Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communications and user support for these services, whether in cloud mode, onpremise or in third-party infrastructures.
Altia is certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 by Applus+. For the following activities of:
The information security management system that supports Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communications and user support for these services (whether in cloud mode, on-premise or in third-party infrastructures), in relation to the statement of applicability v16 of 14/02/2024.
Altia is certified to ISO/IEC 27017:2021 by Applus+.
The information security management system that supports Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases
and applications), data communications and user support for these services (whether in cloud mode, on-premise or in third-party infrastructures), in relation to the statement of applicability v 15 of 01/06/2023.
Altia is certified to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27018:2020 by Applus+.
The information security management system that supports Data Processing Centre services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (DPC, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases
and applications), data communications and user support for these services (whether in cloud mode, on-premise or in third-party infrastructures), in relation to the statement of applicability v 15 of 01/06/2023.
Altia has accredited the adequacy of its integrated quality management system and its production processes to the CMMI Development model at maturity level 3. The scope of the assessment covers development and maintenance projects of software systems and products. Maturity level 3 includes the following areas:
- Process management.
- Project management.
- Engineering.
- Support.
MERCURIO, the Altia’s e-Procurement and e-Tendering platform, has been found COMPLIANT in the compliance audit regarding the Spanish Royal Decree RD 4/2010 on the National Interoperability Scheme, as well as the Technical Standards that develop it.
These regulations include a number of conditions to facilitate the organisational, semantic and technical interoperability necessary to enable the cooperation of public administrations in the provision of digital administration services, in order to jointly structure a legal framework, cooperation and services.
The Greenhouse Gas Report of Altia Consultores, S.A. Year 2023, dated October 2024, ratified by TÜV Rheinland®, complies with the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard (GHG Protocol).
Carbon Footprint - Ratified by TÜV Rheinland®
Registry of carbon footprint, offsetting and CO2 removal - Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
It includes the activities related to the Data Centre Services (colocation, housing, hosting), installation and operation of managed services, administration and maintenance of information systems (data centre, hardware infrastructure, operating systems, databases and applications), data communication and service user support, hosted on cloud, on-premises or on third-party infrastructures, developed in Vigo Center.
Registry of carbon footprint, offsetting and CO2 removal