The New Information and Communication Technologies Industry is becoming the driving force behind most sectors of the economy and this entails a high demand for highly qualified professionals that currently do not respond to the needs of companies.
The rise of technology in companies demands more qualified professionals.
The ICT industry is becoming the driving force behind most sectors of the economy because it not only has a direct impact on it, but also the indirect impact is increasingly important in the rest of the economic sectors. Major studies predict that this trend will continue in the coming years. The main reason is that the society and the various areas of economic activity need technology to manage increasing volumes of information, with an almost unavoidable incorporation of communications into its everyday life.
This scenario requires a high demand for highly qualified professionals who currently do not meet to the needs of companies. The technology has become absolutely essential and this forces companies to bet more and more on talent and profiles trained in the latest technologies of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced analytics, among others. On the other hand, companies are increasingly aware that their greatest asset are their employees and that the main investment of the organization must be devoted to attracting and retaining talent. Only in this way will they be able to meet the challenge of responding to the needs of the digital economy and the digital transformation of companies in all sectors.
Recruitment departments not only recruit, but find and encourage talent.
All this forces HR departments to strive to encourage the continuous and up-to-date learning of its employees by teaching them new skills in times of change. We are committed to a mixed model that offers, on the one hand, the most cutting-edge knowledge in technology and, on the other hand, the possibility of working on real projects that serve as a test bench to incorporate them into the processes of companies. To this end, the internal training program must have innovative methodologies, multimedia and dynamic content that facilitate learning and stimulate the completion of training.

In this way, we will offer the market highly motivated professionals, flexible and trained in competences, tools and knowledge of a first level and fulfill our mission to help face the new business challenges. While it is essential for us to awaken the digital vocation in young people from the early stages of teaching, instilling them the vocational attractiveness of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers. Another exciting topic that we will address in depth in upcoming posts.