The advanced use of Cloud Computing allows customers to transfer their own innovations and third parties in record time. Until now, the Public Cloud and the IaaS were the most common demands, but we can venture to predict what the main applications of this technology will be in the near future.

The advanced use of Cloud Computing allows customers to transfer their own innovations and third parties in record time. The integration of the Cloud has allowed, for example, a reduction in deadlines from the design of a service until its launch to the market in 75% compared to traditional models. Today, it is one of the most used IT models not only by large companies but also by administrations and SMEs.
We are convinced that this model will continue to grow unstoppably in the coming years. To this end, we rely on four main aspects. First, it provides companies with better competitive advantages . Secondly, it brings flexibility, simplicity and agility to the company when it comes to deploying its digital ecosystem and developing projects and services. It also benefits from the incorporation of new disruptive technologies such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data. Finally, the great opportunities that will arise thanks to the digitalization of public administrations and Smart Cities. This will result in growing a demand for the Cloud.
Future trends
Until now, the Public Cloud and the IaaS (where the elasticity and the consumption of computing resources in payment ) were the most common demands, but we can venture to predict which will be the main applications of this technology in the near future .
Hybrid Cloud
Where the best of both worlds converge, the potential of public cloud infrastructures (global infrastructure, new and innovative services, pay per use) with the applications (legacy) and critical data of the private cloud and especially the interoperability between them. In this sense we are witnessing strategic alliances between the most important players in the market.
Customizing Cloud Services
Allowing companies to implement services oriented to specific and customized needs or sectors of activity. For example, the needs of the Retail sector are not the same as those of Media & Marketing, and customers are looking for unique suppliers to meet their needs with customized solutions.
Application containerization with Docker and Kubernetes
Another of the trends that we believe will be booming in 2019, allowing companies to deploy their applications in an agile and agnostic way of the underlying infrastructure.
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect their most important assets (data) and in the Cloud environment it becomes a priority issue and where protection solutions against cyber attacks will be very important.
Pablo Gil Domínguez, Account Manager Outsourcing and Datacenter Services.