Finalists in the Vivofácil 2024 Awards!
This week, the Vivofácil Foundation has published the short list of finalists for the 18th National Awards for Family, Work and Personal Life Balance and Social Responsibility, which includes Altia
See you at the 14th CNIS Conference!
The 14th National Conference on Innovation and Public Services (CNIS) will be held at La Nave in Madrid on 25 and 26 June, bringing together representatives from all levels of public administrations, along with the main companies and experts working in this space.
Altia, OpenText Silver Partner
CERN awards us a five-year project
The project, which involves agile technologies to optimise business computing systems, will allow the European organisation to make a qualitative leap in the management of its administrative processes.
Featured in the Ranking of Companies Committed to Youth for the second year running
We are part of the 50 entities in the Ranking, which recognizes our efforts to train and enhance young talent.
Reaffirming our ESG approach in our Sustainability Report
En ella destaca nuestro sólido compromiso con el crecimiento sostenible, un enfoque integral que abarca iniciativas ambientales, sociales y de buen gobierno.
Promoting tourism in the region of Castilla y León with three new projects for local councils
We have developed and improved the tourism platforms of the Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia) and Villarcayo (Burgos) town councils.
30 years: growing by boosting growth
Drive and enthusiasm. This is how we started our adventure 30 years ago.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation’s Transparency Portal wins ASLAN 2024 award
El Portal de Transparencia y su sede electrónica, del Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública, ha sido el ganador de la categoría "Transformación de la AGE" en los XVI Premios de Transformación Digital de las AAPP de ASLAN.